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Effortless Weight Loss

Dr. Ian Smith has a solution for people who hate to diet! He says making small changes in your daily eating can yield big weight loss results. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Effortless Weight Loss,” Dr. Smith shares his “Ten Simple Rules for Good Eating” that will help you lose weight and feel great.

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Free Fact Sheet: Put Back What Medication Has Stolen

Medications can rob your body of important nutrients. Replenish your body with tips from registered practicing pharmacist, Suzy Cohen, author of the book, "Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients – and Natural Ways to Restore Them".

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A Woman's Guide to Being Her Best

Author and editor-at-large for Men’s Health Magazine, Steve Perrine knows the decisions we make today about how to care for our bodies will affect us now and far into the future. In this edition of A Closer Look: “A Woman's Guide to Being Her Best,” Perrine shares specific things women of all ages can do today that will help them age gracefully in the future.

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Living in the Healthy Zone

Author and creator of The Zone Diet, Dr. Barry Sears, Ph.D., believes a lack of hormonal balance is making us—and keeping us—fat. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Living in the Healthy Zone,” Dr. Sears explains his Zone 1-2-3 Program and how it can help you reach your health and weight goals.

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Build Up Your Child's Immune System

Best selling author Dr. Michael Roizen gives 11 ways you can protect your child from germs and build their immune system.

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Doctor-Approved Home Remedies

As medical costs grow and the economy shrinks, more people are choosing to skip the doctor and treat themselves at home. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Doctor-Approved Home Remedies,” CBN News reporter Lorie Johnson shares home remedies from the doctors at the Mayo Clinic.

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Fight Cancer With Food

Jenny Atkinson is a professional athlete, competing in the Lumberjack World Championship games. But in 2009, while at the top of her game, Jenny discovered she had breast cancer. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Fight Cancer with Food,” Jenny shares the foods you should be eating to strengthen your body to fight against cancer.

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Maximum Impact Workouts

Superstar trainer and motivational speaker Todd Durkin, CSCS, has a revolutionary workout program that can transform your body into a lean, strong, athletic machine.  In this edition of A Closer Look: “Maximum Impact Workouts,” Durkin will highlight some of his workout techniques and share how to elevate your fitness performance to achieve the best possible results.

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Fight Disease With Exercise

Dr. Don Colbert, MD, and his son Kyle, a certified personal trainer, believe that God designed our bodies for movement and resistance, and that regular exercise will not only keep us strong and healthy into our later years, but that exercise can target and fight specific diseases, like Type 2 diabetes and cancer.

In this edition of A Closer Look: “Fight Disease With Exercise,” the Colberts share some of their disease-fighting exercises from their Get Fit and Live program.

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Are Chemicals Making You Fat?

What if everything you've been taught about weight loss is wrong?  Based on the latest nutritional and environmental science, authors Stephen Perrine and Heather Hurlock believe that’s the case! In this edition of A Closer Look: “Are Chemicals Making You Fat?” Perrine shares his insights on the obesity-causing chemicals lurking in the American diet.

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Balance Your Hormones and Lose Weight

Dr. Michael Aziz says hormone imbalance not only leads to weight gain, but can also increase the risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke, and infertility. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Balance Your Hormones and Lose Weight,” Dr. Aziz shares what you can do to keep your hormones balanced.

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Younger Looking Skin Without a Facelift

Celebrity dermatologist, Dr. Doris J. Day, says there are many things we can do at home to improve the quality of our skin and look younger.  In this edition of A Closer Look: “Younger Looking Skin Without a Facelift,” learn simple things you can do to recapture your youth.

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Are You Being Processed to Death?

Processed foods use man-made ingredients to prolong a product’s shelf life.  Unfortunately they may have the opposite effect on our lives! In this edition of A Closer Look: “Are You Being Processed to Death?” CBN Reporter Lorie Johnson gives you the facts on identifying processed foods and why we need to avoid them.

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Prostate Cancer – What You Need to Know

Dr. Arnon Krongrad, medical advisor to the American Prostate Cancer Initiative, says that women play an important role in helping the men in their lives get the treatment needed for prostate cancer.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Prostate Cancer – What You Need to Know, Dr. Krongrad explains the woman’s role, as well as shares important screening and treatment options.

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Sugar Is Your Enemy

Doug Varrieur, author of FAT TO SKINNY Fast and Easy!  is not a doctor or nutritionist. He's an inquisitive entrepreneur with a big heart for people who are overweight just as he was for many years. A devoted husband, father and family man, Doug has made it his "life's divine mission" to help ordinary folks lose weight, reverse insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and get skinny and healthy so they can live longer, happier lives. You can learn more about Doug Varrieur and his FAT TO SKINNY program at You can contact him at

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10 Top Reasons to Love Lifting Weights

Adam Campbell, fitness director of the magazines Women's Health and Men's Health, says that adding weight lifting to your exercise routine not only helps you burn more fat and calories, but it can also help you fight off diseases like diabetes and cancer, ward off depression, stay sharper, and even improve your short- and long-term memory! Campbell will inspire you to pick up a free weight and start lifting in this edition of A Closer Look: “10 Top Reasons to Love Lifting Weights.”

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Updated: Skinny Eats

Author, nutrition expert, and TODAY show contributor Joy Bauer has counseled people of all sizes, shapes, ages, and lifestyles on how to get into shape through diet and exercise.  In this edition of A Closer Look: “Skinny Eats,” Bauer shares three of her best “skinny” recipes with you: Skinny Quiche, Skinny Double Chocolate Muffins, and Skinny Blueberry Mango Smoothie. Also included are More Skinny Eats – the recipes Joy and Kristi demonstrated on The 700 Club: Shrimp Cocktail, Fiery Chicken Salad, Pumpkin Pudding, Vegetable Soup, Cucumber-Tomato-Onion Salad, and Ginger Green Tea.

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Alzheimer's Recovery With Better Nutrition

Watching a loved one slowly slip away through Alzheimer’s disease is heartbreaking. In this edition of A Closer Look: "Alzheimer's Recovery Through Better Nutrition," CBN News Health Editor Gailon Totheroh shares how a change in diet and a few key supplements can bring an amazing turnaround in this devastating disease.

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Skinny Eats

Author, nutrition expert, and TODAY show contributor Joy Bauer has counseled people of all sizes, shapes, ages, and lifestyles on how to get into shape through diet and exercise. In this edition of A Closer Look: "Skinny Eats," Bauer shares three of her best "skinny" recipes with you: Skinny Quiche, Skinny Double Chocolate Muffins, and Skinny Blueberry Mango Smoothie.

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Treating Epilepsy with Food

Lorie Johnson, Health and Medical Reporter for CBN NEWS, explains how in order to save their young sons life, one family agreed to try a very unique medical diet.

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