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5 Tips to Lower Your Blood Pressure and Your Age

Are you ready to toss your calendar age out the window and welcome a younger you through the front door? If so, then follow these five important lifestyle tips from Dr. Roizen for keeping your energy high and your arteries young.

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Take Jillian Michael's Quiz and Find Your Personal Diet

In this chapter, "Metabolic Typing", Jillian Michaels shares a detailed quiz so you can determine your own metabolic type.  She also shares the kinds of foods each metabolic type should include in their diet, as well as the ones to avoid.

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Heart Health Quiz

Take our quiz and find out how well you’re taking care of your heart.  It may save your life!

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Diabetes Danger: What You Need to Know

According to Dr. Walter M.Bortz – a leading authority in the fields of aging and diabetes – the present surge in cases of Type 2 diabetes could eventually engulf 200 million Americans.In his recent book,Diabetes Danger:What 200 Million Americans At Risk Need to Know (Select Books, 2005),Dr.Bortz outlines the severity of this national crisis.

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Eat Dessert and Stay Thin Forever

Banana splits, smooth parfaits, iced mocha lattes -- you can have these treats and still stay true to your New Year's resolutions. It's not a chef, it's Dr. Leo Galland, M.D.

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Diabetes: Is Your Child at Risk?

There is a rise in type two diabetes in children. The good news is it's preventable. Learn easy ways to protect your family.

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The Holiday Party Survival Guide

You can participate in all your favorite holiday activities and actually eat some fattening foods without gaining weight IF you plan ahead and stay smart. These strategies also work throughout the year.

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Ten Ways To Reduce Stress and Be Healthier

Stress may be unavoidable in your life but there are steps you can take to reduce its negative affects. Here are our "top ten" simple ways to help you reduce the stress in your life for a happier and healthier you.

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Dr. Hugo's Beautiful Skin Regimen

With over 20 years’ experience, Dr. Ben Hugo, performs a wide variety of aesthetic procedures for the face and the body, both surgical and non-invasive procedures. See his skin care regimen.

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Insider Beauty Secrets You Can Do At Home

For any woman who has watched television and movie celebrities walk the red carpet, or looked at magazine ads and wondered how celebrity looks are created, Diane Irons has the inside scoop.

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Say Goodbye to Your Aching Back!

Research also shows that at least one-quarter of Americans currently suffer from back pain; and in one-quarter of those — about 15 million Americans — the pain is chronic and unrelenting.

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Barriers to Weight Loss

What is really holding you back from achieving your weight loss goals? Author, speaker and life coach Valorie Burton recommends applying strategies for achieving life goals to the goal of losing weight.

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Lose Weight, Not Sleep!

So, how does one reap the full benefits of a good night's sleep? In his upcoming book, "How to Have a Good Day Everyday", (Maas, 2005) Dr. James B. Maas gives four "golden rules" for great sleep.

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Lose That Belly Fat!

Don’t let your belly get the best of you!  Professional bodybuilder David Hawk shares practical steps and specific exercises to help you trim your mid-section.

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Better Brain Protection Naturally!

The number of Parkinson's disease sufferers is increasing by 50,000 people a year in the US alone.  Read about Dr. David Perlmutter’s natural, alternative treatment.

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Pump Up Your Energy -- The PUMP Energy Food Way!

ENERGY. We all want it. We all need it. Many people try to create lifestyles that enhance energy by adding more exercise or more sleep to their daily routines. Enter The PUMP Energy Food and Physical Fitness Restaurant - a revolutionary restaurant that makes food that promotes ENERGY.

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10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Family’s Eating Habits

Try a few of Danna Demetre's calorie-saving tips and begin losing fat without sacrificing taste!

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You Can Walk Away the Pounds!

Leslie Sansone, creator of the Walk Away the Pounds series and creator of the No. 1 bestselling fitness DVD in 2003, shares her walking wisdom and motivational spirit with millions of couch and desk potatoes in Walk Away the Pounds, The Breakthrough Six-Week Program That Helps You Burn Fat, Tone Muscle, and Feel Great Without Dieting (Warner Books; January 2005).

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Lose Stubborn Fat The South Beach Way

The South Beach diet incorporates good carbohydrates-fruits, vegetables, and whole grains- while eliminating harmful ones, white flour and sugar.  It also teaches its readers about the importance of good fats and their ability to satisfy hunger and control overeating.

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Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure is a time-tested concept, and no less true when it comes to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease prevention was the focus of a recent ground breaking conference in Phoenix, Arizona attended by CBN News' Science and Medical Reporter, Gailon Totheroh.

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